Friday, April 1, 2011

Selling is Asynchronous

Kunal and Jennifer both said that selling was discouraging. They work and they work and they don't get immediate feedback. Eventually the sales come in, but a long time after they were working on it.

Sometimes they didn't do anything, and had no knowledge just before it came in.

Selling, like email, is asynchronous. You have to do your piece, as well as you can, as often as you can, as continually as you can.

When the customer is ready, they buy.

The stories I hear of what an internal champion has to do to complete the sale are often truly heroic. Often the whole culture of a customer company has to be changed before they can buy something significant.

The owner of a technology company told me he had to fire his COO before he could bring me on. I had thought the COO was my champion.

To be successful selling, we have to build a work system where we have a high rate of production and constantly improve our product without necessarily getting immediate external feedback.

How might you do that?

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