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Monday, September 17, 2012

New Model Requirement

I use the idea of model a lot. 32 search mentions on Sales Lab Posts and a like number on Through The Browser, plus they are all over my presentations and projects.

I use models because they are a fast, efficient way to stay current on many subjects, to dynamically address changing situations.

A model is a simplified version of reality, with the minimum required inputs, to return an accurate prediction about how a situation will resolve. That may sound like a spreadsheet exercise, and often is, but my most common models are predicting how someone will act after they make a commitment.

The observation, If someone borrows twenty dollars from you and then avoids you to keep from repaying, that’s probably a good investment is both a quick and frequent model.

You can always expect someone to continue doing what they’ve been doing saves a lot of time, as does transformation is possible, just don’t underestimate the cost.

A good model will increase path and speed to desired result. An inaccurate model creates humor and carnage. I am constantly amused by people who choose to believe model over reality.

Over time, reality changes. The best indication of reality changes is when a model no longer accurately predicts actual results. I am amazed at the number of people putting their full faith and credit in models that haven’t been accurate at any time in recent memory.

The solution for an inaccurate model is to go through the process of defining a new model. The more you do that, the faster and easier, (and more accurate) the models become.

My new requirement for models is they should provide information leading to improvement. A friend has a go-to model for any distressing situation. “She does that because she lacks self-confidence. Self-confidence is the problem.”

Well, how do you fix that? Self-confidence, like self-esteem is earned by that self person. An observer having that opinion of the problem doesn’t lead to a solution. The correct response is, “Yeah? So what?”

My new requirement is that a model should provide potential solutions to improve a sub-optimal situation.

What are your best models?

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