Monday, December 3, 2012

Rainmaker 17 – Breaking The Invisible Wall

Last month’s GMU Annual Startup Challenge Competition was the first I remember where I got to sit in the audience and watch…
I wasn’t presenting.

What I saw (and remembered) is an idea that because we are presenting, we have to respect that invisible wall that separates actors from the audience, the cast of Cheers from your living room, separates the presenters from THE BUYERS!

How would you present differently if you were trying to sell those very people sitting in the chairs in front of you? Pretend this is not a drill.

  1. Leave something of value with the judges, audience, and even the other competitors (like our handouts) before the presentation.
  1. Have business cards and special event coupons (implements of selling) at hand and give them to ‘interesting’ and ‘interested’ people.
  1. Provide the judges with required material for the competition (of course), and before the event, give them a summary copy of the points you will make (or plan to), and any complex tables, figures, and charts.
  1. Provide the audience with a single-sheet highlight of the principal benefits of the product/service from the user’s perspective along with instructions how to buy.
  1. Make it easy for people to a) know who you are; b) know how to reach you, on some disappearing slide if you must, but how about on something they can take away?
The Goal: when you leave the stage you have given your pitch AND you have made it easy for people to know who you are and how to reach you to buy something.
What's your story?
Please join us at the Capital Technology Management Hub on December 11 at 6:30 for 300 seconds of Rainmaker 17 – Breaking The Invisible Wall, What we learned at last month’s GMU Annual Startup Challenge Competition at TeqCorner, followed by Joshua Green explaining Cleantech OpenThe World’s Largest Cleantech Accelerator -Funding Green Technology...

Previous Rainmakers:
#15 - Dropping The Other Shoe (9/11/12)
#14 - The Myth of Full Capacity (5-26-12)
#12 - The Future is NOW - Makers (3-11-12)
# 9 - Your Internet Personality (12-24-11)
# 7 - Mark Your Territory (8-22-11)
# 6 - Networking IS Business (5-25-11)
# 5 - Start With an Offer (4-27-11)
# 4 - Time, Talent, and Treasure (4-10-11)
# 3 - How to Sell Your Skills (3-1-11)
# 2 - The Name Tag (1-5-11)
# 1 - Gifts (11-5-10)
And, Introducing Rainmakers (11-3-10)

1 comment:

  1. Sound advice - since we cannot predict where the next sale or referral may come from, making it easy for potential buyers or referrers should be at the top of our list and forefront of our conscientiousness.

    I recall the round-robin introductions at meeting of 25 techies and one coder had a killer-app for the iPhone and Android which would work miracles - he mumbled his name during introductions (but was clear when talking about his app), skipped out of the meeting as soon as it was done so no one got a chance to talk with him about the app or get contact info. He completely blew the opportunity to convert several interested folks into buyers or referrers. Make it easy!

    Thanks for the check list.
